On the first shuttle, you are going to take the Rogers family that the PC6 delivered up to AMBAL. They weigh 163 kilograms and have 203 kilograms of cargo. Since their 23 kilogram son wants to ride up front, put him in the front and parents in the back. Load the aft baggage compartment to the max of 136, and put the rest under the rear seats.

In addition to longitudinal CG, lateral CG is calculated and displayed as .009 m right.

Max Load
The first row of the Max Load section tells you that you can add an additional 24 kilograms in the cabin and remain in limits.

The second row of the Max Load section tells you the external load envelope adds 91 kilograms of capacity, and you could load
- 115 kilograms of external load or
- Up to 24 kilograms in the cabin with a combined weight of no greater than 115 in the cabin and external load.

On the second shuttle, you plan to sling 450 kilograms of construction materials from NOILZ-AMBAL. Select the second NOILZ-AMBAL tab and enter 450 in the External Load box.

If you attempt to exceed the external load capacity, you will get a warning message.

Note that the external load portion of the envelope is above the yellow line, and that you could still load a combined 31 kilograms in the cabin or external load.

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