From the DFR tab, tap the Select Flight button, and scheduled flights created in FlightSpan™ Ops will appear.

If your company has set up more than one company location, there will be a Locations filter.

Select one or more company locations to limit the search results to the location assigned to the scheduled flight.

The default list is from today forward. Sort order can always be changed by tapping on the arrow next to the date column header

Different time periods can be selected by tapping on the Dates column header. Most are self-explanatory, but a few benefit from additional explanation.
- This Week, Last Week, and Next Week are all Monday-Sunday of their respective weeks
- Past displays all planned and confirmed flights from any time in the last 30 days, and all flights completed and uploaded from this iPad from the last 45 days

Tap on the AC Type button to limit the results to one Aircraft Type or aircraft category

Tap on the respective headers to filter flights by:
- A specific crew member
- Aircraft registration number
- A specific airport
- Flight status

Flight Status Categories – the DFR number is underneath all Open and Complete flights.
- New – flights not downloaded to the iPad
- Open – flights that have been downloaded to or created on this iPad.
- Complete – flights completed on this iPad and uploaded to FlightSpan™ Ops
- Locked – flights completed on this iPad that have been opened in FlightSpan™ Ops, so they can no longer be edited (marked with a padlock)

Once you’ve applied a filter, a Clear Filters button appears. All filters you apply will remain even if you close the app, until you tap Clear Filters.

Note: Clear Filters does not remove any Locations filters
Tap on the desired flight, in this case the WAJJ-KAS-NOI-NOI-WAVA-WAJJ flight crewed by Joshua H. and Jessica S.

The DFR will be imported with all the data created in FlightSpan™ Ops.
- Flight information (date, aircraft, and crew) are in the upper header section
- Flight legs are in the middle LEGS section
- Loads along with billing information are in the lower LOAD section. Downloaded loads have a light green background, Manifests have blue type (tap the manifest number to open the details), and manually created loads will have a white background.

Note: Changes may be made to the DFR by using the techniques described in the Creating a DFR Manually lesson.
Note that the Documents and the flight schedule can be viewed by tapping their respective icons, and there is a calculator available here and on the Weight and Balance tabs.

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