FlightSpan™ 9.1.4 incorporates several improvements and bug fixes.
- On the Takeoff and Landing Performance Tabs, the fuel load that corresponds to a given aircraft weight is now shown on the aircraft weight button

If the aircraft is loaded to maximum ramp weight (or any weight between max takeoff weight and max ramp weight), on the Takeoff Performance tab, the aircraft weight button will (as before) show Maximum Takeoff Weight but now you’ll have the fuel load that will result in max takeoff weight shown in amber font. In other words, you now have an easy reference to cross check a fuel totalizer to ensure that the aircraft is at or below max takeoff weight before takeoff.

- Accommodate inches of mercury for Qnh (Performance Tab)
- New flights created in Scratchpad mode now start with the default fuel level for the aircraft type (previously used full fuel)
- C208 (short Caravan) takeoff performance adjusted for APE Stol Kit
Bug Fixes:
- Fix issue with erroneous last operation information in the Notams list on the NAV tab
- Resolved a sync issue
Build Info: 9.1.4001