Added a prompt when the DFR Upload process is started to alert the pilot if there are any load items missing information.
- Added the ability to reduce the amount of runway available for landing (this can be used to designate part of the runway as unusable as a displaced threshold). In FlightSpan Ops, on the Runways tab of the Waypoint view, edit the runway and then designate how much of the total runway length is usable for landing:

On the Landing Performance Tab, for runways where the available length for landing has been set to be less than the full length of the runway, a displaced threshold symbol will be visible and a notation that describes how much of the runway is available for landing.

Note that the red line (maximum landing roll) is based on the usable runway (i.e. it ignores the displaced threshold… in the case above it is based on the 600 meters of usable runway, not the 850 full length)
- Take off and Landing Performance tab: Standardized behavior and labeling of the maximum allowable roll indicator (red line).
When the runway available for takeoff is set to less than the full length in FlightSpan Ops (this can be used to designate an obstacle clearance point on the runway — the point at which the aircraft must be airborne to clear obstacles) AND that point is greater than your standard maximum usable runway for takeoff: a notation will show you that there is an obstacle clearance point, but that the red line is being drawn at the more conservative standard maximum usable runway point.

Bug Fixes
- Error when assigning / changing crew roles on multi-crew flights (could cause app to lock)
- Creating new landing zone (heli) was not checking for duplicate FAA intersections / fixes
- Improved app rotation for aircraft with app mounted in landscape mode and fixed issue allowing the app to rotate for aircraft that had the mount setting locked to ‘portrait’
- Max payload on NAV tab not consistently updating when coming from W&B tab
- Removing a leg on the DFR on a flight that originated from the flight schedule didn’t immediately alert user that the flight was now different than what was scheduled
- Export to DFR was using the load summary weight units when non-standard weight units were selected